Board Member Highlight: Seth N. Desilets

The American Veterans Mission (AVM) wants to thank Seth N. Desilets for continuing to serve as one of our directors. Seth is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point. He medically retired from the U.S. Army after several deployments in the combat theater.

Seth Desilets is a family man, married for ten years, and a father to two children. He loves spending time with his children and playing Minecraft with them. Seth learns Latin and plays the piano in his spare time. He does passive real estate projects full time and teaches high school science part-time to include Biology and Physics. As an Army veteran, Seth has a passion for helping other veterans, especially those transitioning out into the civilian sector.

Thank you, Seth, for continuing your service with us at the American Veterans Mission. Together, everyone achieves more!

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AVM Board Member, Seth N. Desilets, USMA Class of 2004

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