Platinum Seal of Transparency Award Recipient Consecutively Since 2018! To reach the Platinum level, AVMartinez, Inc., doing business as American Veterans Mission, added extensive information to its Candid nonprofit profile: basic contact and organizational information; in-depth financial information; qualitative information about goals, strategies, and capabilities; and quantitative information about results and progress toward its mission.
By taking the time to provide this information, American Veterans Mission has demonstrated its commitment to transparency and to giving donors and funders meaningful data to evaluate nonprofit performance.” I encourage you to visit our nonprofit profile on Candid to see what we’re all about,” added Martinez, the CEO of American Veterans Mission. “We’re thrilled that our Platinum Seal of Transparency and the associated benefits help us better communicate AVM, Inc.’s exciting initiatives at a global scale.”
AVMartinez, Inc., doing business as American Veterans Mission, has a U.S. trademark registration of 5.749.203 and copyright VA-2-084-737. All names, logos, symbols, and linked pages on this post and our social media pages are properties of their respective owners and are managed independently by those owners. All Rights Reserved.