Who We Are

AVMartinez™, Incorporated, doing business as the American Veterans Mission, Incorporated (AVM, Inc.), is a nonprofit corporation founded in Texas in 2018, with the certificate of filing to the Texas Secretary of State (SOS) dated January 2, 2018. The Texas SOS found the American Veterans Mission to conform to the applicable provisions of law concerning nonprofit corporations. The Texas Secretary of State certified that the assumed name certificate for AVMartinez™ had been received in his office in Austin, Texas, and filed adequately as provided by law on January 22, 2018.  AVMartinez™ does business as “AVM, Inc.” and “American Veterans Mission” in all Texas counties.

Our mission is to partner with nonprofit and for-profit entities at local, national, and international levels to bridge the gap between the military, veterans, and civilian communities through volunteerism, altruism, and community service. We envision a closely integrated firm bound in friendship and camaraderie, where everyone is committed to building deeper community connections and supporting positive social change.

The American Veterans Mission is an official certifying organization (CO) for the President’s Volunteer Service Award. We help recognize exceptional volunteers whose work makes real and sustainable differences in their communities. We work with legitimate community partners such as Operation Homefront, Fort Hood Area Habitat for Humanity, Girls Scouts of America’s local troops, and many others to recognize exceptional volunteers and to advocate for volunteerism.

The American Veterans Mission’s Board of Directors, staff, community partners, and volunteers work together and with one another by combining our skills, talents, and networks to serve as an authentic example to the public that together, everyone achieves more.  Our motto is Together Everyone Achieves More, summarized in the acronym TEAM.

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